Alternative Livelihood to Drought Victims

Raised: Rs0 / Rs0
Campaign Duration: 3075 Days

Drought has affected families of many farmers and even other people who are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. We propose to donate a set of 5 Osmanabadi Goats ( 4 female and 1 male)  to a family.  Osmanabadi Goat  shall be helpful for generating money for the livlihhood of the family. With sky rocketing meat prices, shortage of supply and increased demand for meat, goat farming could be option for farmer to think beyond mere agriculture.This breed is considered useful both for meat and milk. A set is expected to have cost of Rs. 30000/-Similarly We propose to give kadkanath hens ( chicken) to farmers as  Kadaknath is an Indian breed of chicken and is popular mainly for its adaptability, and the good-tasting black meat and eggs. This shall help farmers for livelihood..